Monday, October 16, 2006

Bed on Wheels

Ok your eyes are deceiving you..this really is a man riding a bicycle and carrying an entire bedframe on his bike. No i didn't believe it at first either but this is just one of the MANY MANY things you see here in Kenya that make you shake your head in disbelief..nothing surprises me anymore! Just thought I'd share this with you.

Monday, October 09, 2006

College Ministry Update

Wanted to write an update on how ministry is going here in Mombasa. The students are about half-way into their semester at Mombasa Polytechnic and college ministry at the church is going great. We have quit a busy schedule almost everyday of the week. I wanted to give you a schedule of the events of the college ministry so that you know what we do each week and how to pray.

  • Sundays: 9am. College Bible Study-Drew just finished teaching through Ecclesiastes and now Patrick is beginning to teach through Matthew. We have about 25 to 30 in attendance for this
    · Tuesdays:7:30-9:30pm. Bible Study- Drew has been going through a study on Colossians but his term is up so he'll be leaving next week to go back to States. Now Gideon (a Kenyan guy who just recently graduated from a seminary in Nairobi) will be continuing to teach on through Colossians.
    · Wednesdays: 7:30-9:30pm-Bible Study/Discussion groups in dorm rooms. During this time we gather in several college hostiles to discuss more in depth what was taught during Tuesday night Bible Study
    · Thursdays: 6-7AM-We get up bright and early and meet together at the church for early morning prayer time. We gather for a short time of worship through singing and then pray together for college ministry, and other personal requests.
    · Thursday nights: The leadership team and college volunteers meet for a time of discussion, planning and prayer together.
    · Friday: 7:30-9:30pm: GIRLS NIGHT! This is a time where we meet together just us girls for fun and discussion.
    · Saturday: 7:30-9:30pm: COLLEGE NIGHT LIVE!!! This is a time where just college students come together for a time of worship. We sing, dance, and Gideon teaches us from God's Word. This is usually our big attendance night.

So as you can see our weeks, especially every night is very busy with lots of fun and teaching from God's Word. My days are filled with time spent with college girls, one on one or in groups., hanging out, discipling, teaching and evangelizing. There are many college girls that I spend time with but i've been praying that the Lord would give me 3 or 4 who I can really invest in during my short time here and He so graciously has done that. ( Betty, Lynn, Soni).

The picture is of Betty and I. (sorry for the yucky angle) Betty is a new believer who comes from a Catholic background. Her brother led her to the Lord about 3 months ago. When i met Betty i knew there was something exciting about her. She always wore this big huge smile on her face. When i met with her the first time my heart was so encouraged to hear her testimony and how God has dramatically changed her life. Her heart is so full of joy. Betty and i are meeting every Friday to go through the fundamentals of our Christian faith but meet many other times throughout the week as well. She is girl who hungers to know more about God's Word and how to walk in her new faith. She just recently with with a few other of the college students on a mission trip to Ramisi, where they went to share their faith with Muslim peoples. Its so neat because most of the people living in that place are Digo, the same tribe i lived and shared with during my first two years in Kenya. Soni went also and before they left we were able to sit down together to talk about their fears of going, fears of evangelism, and i was able to share with them my experience with working with the Digo and how to share your faith with Muslims. It was so encouraging to see them so encouraged as they went and then upon their return to hear all the exciting things God did through them and in them. Betty was referred to on the trip as the joyful singing one even when her glasses fell, and broke and she was unable to see for the remainder of the trip.

God has done an amazing work in the lives of these girls and i pray they will continue to grow in their faith!! I'm loving these girls and love just living life with them on a daily basis!

As mentioned before we will soon be saying goodbye to one of our teammates Drew. Drew has been here for 4 months and has done an incredible job with the college students at the Poly. He did much of the college ministry teaching and was the mastermind and planner behind our huge 3 on 3 basketball tournament outreach event on the Poly campus. We are going to miss Drew tremendously.

We now also have a new team member, Patrick, a recent graduate from Auburn, who just joined our team about 2 ½ weeks ago. Pray for him as he’s battled sickness since he got here.

Pray for the whole team as we have battled illness in the last few weeks as well. I was sick last week with a bacterial infection that put me out for several days. After a good round of antibiotics I felt better but developed a sinus infection in the last few days. Dennis and Patrick have also had their trips to the hospital with bacterial infections but we praise God for Kristin who has stayed healthy and cared for us all. This week we are going to take a little rest at the beach for two days Tuesday til Thursday so pray for us as we try to rest and rejuvenate!