Weeping for Kenya-the Realities
I found this video and wanted to share it. WARNING!!! It is very graphic and disturbing so please beware. Don't watch it unless you are prepared to hurt. (you may have to pause it to read the words..it goes fast) But its the reality of what's going on though. I weep when i watch it especially at the end. If you watch you will see why. My heart burns and hurts and grieves for the Kenyan people as more and more are killed each day in the violence and hundreds of thousands are displaced from their homes. These are my friends and....these are my family!!
May these sites encourage you all the more to pray for the souls of Kenya!! My family here in the States asked me this past week..doesn't this make you want to stay here and not return to such a nation. But my response is NO absolutely not. IT ALL THE MORE MAKES ME WANT TO GO!!! Go to a country and a people that need Jesus! Many mission organizations will say Kenya is a "reached nation"...watch this video and judge for yourself! We must pray and we must go! Where is their HOPE?!?!?!
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That is heartbreaking, especially the part on the children. I think you've said it all, that all the more reason to go to share the hope found in Jesus Christ to the many without hope in Kenya. You and Dennis are in my prayers as you seek to minister the gospel to Kenya as well as the people of Kenya.
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