Monday, May 08, 2006

Kenya...Here I Come Again...

It is with great joy and much excitement that I announce my plans to go back to East Africa for a few months this year.The last ten months since I returned from Africa have been a whirlwind of transition. There have been both mountains and valleys, but through it all God has been molding me, growing me, refining me, and teaching me so many things about Himself.

In December, I completed my seminary education and graduated with a Masters of Divinity degree. Then I started a new job at UNC Hospital, moved into a new apartment, and joined an incredible inner city church in downtown Raleigh. Through all of this, God has really been doing a work in my heart and reviving my desire to serve Him in International Missions. My heart is still heavily burdened for the peoples of Kenya. And now I have the opportunity to return there once again.

God is already working out all the logistics for me to return, and if all goes as planned and financial support comes in, I hope to return by the end of July to spend four months on the coast of Kenya working with an organization called Serve International. Many of you also know about Dennis, a dear friend I met during my last few months in Kenya. I will be joining Dennis and some others on the SERVE Kenya team. I will have several responsibilities, but primarily I will be living and working in the city of Mombasa, building relationships and discipling college girls at Mombasa Polytechnic.

This will be a very different experience than my first two years overseas, and I am very excited to see what God has planned! As I prepare to go, once again I’m going to need the support and prayers of everyone! If you would like to be updated about these specific plans and how you can better support, pray for and partner with me as I go, please email me ( your MAILING address as soon as possible.

Thank you for your prayers! Please pray for:

  • the flow of paperwork and all the logisitics needed to begin this journey
  • the financial support raising that will begin soon
  • the spiritual preparation - for myself, for Dennis, and the other team members


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